My Journey to Mediumship
I recently attended a three-day retreat at Lily Dale and wanted to share my experiences.

Lily Dale is a small town in Western New York known primarily for its association with spiritualism. It serves as a gathering place for many practicing mediums who offer readings to visitors. People come to Lily Dale seeking spiritual guidance or insight from departed loved ones.
What Lily Dale Means to Me

Lily Dale has felt like home to me since my first visit in 2017. I experience such joy and serenity in my soul while there, and I notice a deeper connection to the life force within and around me.
With both humans and animals, I have always felt there to be a connection with souls that leave their bodies from this earth plane. This knowing has been part of my healing journey when I have lost loved ones. So it’s no surprise that Lily Dale feels like home. The intention of this spiritual place resonates with what I believe.
Receiving Messages
I have received mediumship readings over the years and they have helped me heal in so many ways. Whether learning that a departed loved one is no longer suffering, or hearing a specific message about something we shared, message work comes with many blessings. The synchronicities can be energy shifting.
Ten weeks out of the year Lily Dale opens their gates to the public – giving people an opportunity to experience group mediumship experiences, spiritual insight training, healing, and so much more. Each day, there typically are three hour-long group mediumship experiences. During this hour, you can witness the mediums of Lily Dale, mediums visiting from all over the world, and student mediums who are developing their skills.
Giving Messages - at Lily Dale and at Home

During my last visit, I served as a student medium for the first time. It was an honor to hold this space and to be able to bring a message to the individuals in the audience. I have been honing my mediumship skills for quite some time and I am ready to share my gift with others. If you would like more information on my student readings, please contact me.
Interested in Experiencing Lily Dale Yourself?
Lily Dale is now closed for their season, but it’s not too soon to start thinking about a trip next year! I highly recommend visiting as all are welcome. I put together a list of suggestions for anyone who will be attending for the first time:
Services (check out the 2024 schedule when it becomes available online):
Attend morning meditation or evening services in The Healing Temple
Experience free message services at the Inspiration Stump and Forest Temple
Register for a workshop
Schedule a private reading with a medium
Participate in a drum circle near the lake

Alone time:
Hug a willow tree by the lake
Hike on the paths through the woods
Stroll the charming streets and admire the homes and gardens
Treat yourself to peanut butter pie at The Pagoda,
Sip coffee at Sacred Grounds (it’s the best coffee shop!)
Shopping: Crystal Cove, Once Upon A Thursday, and The Bargain Shop
Accommodations: Stay at the Maplewood Hotel or one of the town’s many private guest houses
Readings Outside of Lily Dale
If you would like a reading outside of Lily Dale I highly recommend:
Me! I am now offering student readings in person or over the phone.
Jan Assini, my mentor and a very experienced medium and healer: 216-469-0846
Courtney Moffatt: Animal Communicator 724-333-5555
Spiritual Path Spiritualist Church, New Castle, PA