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Spring Clean Your Mind

This time of year I go into a mode of spring cleaning. This affects all aspects of my life – from my house and office space to my personal and business goals. Lately, I have been thinking about how important it is to spring clean my mind. The darkness of winter is lifting and I find myself wanting to release not only the inner heaviness I carried over the winter months, but also the heaviness that stems from my past in general.

Planting Seeds

As the seasons are shifting, so is my inner world. I feel it is in my best interest to cultivate a supportive environment around me. As the light returns with Spring upon us, I have scheduled trainings, group classes, solo retreats, and time for myself.

I view this time as ensuring I am nourishing my “soil” as I plant “seeds” for growth and change for this upcoming season.

Wake Up Everybody!

As I am writing this, the song, “Wake Up Everybody” (feat. Teddy Pendergrass, Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes ) is playing in the background. How fitting!

Wake up everybody no more sleepin in bed

No more backward thinkin time for thinkin ahead

Wake up all the teachers time to teach a new way

Maybe then they'll listen to whatcha have to say

The only thing we have to do is put it in our mind

Surely things will work out they do it every time

The world won't get no better if we just let it be

We gotta change it yeah, just you and me.

As a healer, I am blessed to hold space for so many beautiful souls in their journeys toward self-awareness. I’ve found that many are not sure where to start with their own spring cleaning of their inner minds, and it is a joy for me to share some of the techniques that have helped me (see below!).

Resources & Ideas for Spring Cleaning Your Mind

I wanted to share with you my personal list of resources I use in order to spring clean my mind, gain balance and nurture my mental health. Softening in a world that becomes more unpredictable each day may be hard to imagine doing on your own. These resources can help!

More now than ever I feel it’s important to build community and take action in coming together. That’s why I am so passionate about what I do. This list of resources is how I can do what I do.

Set up safe spaces. It is always important to hold yourself in a safe space. That may look like staying at home cuddling up with your fur baby, meeting a friend, making an appointment with a healthcare professional or finding a retreat in nature! Setting up a safe space to feel connection is an important piece of becoming vulnerable. When we open up to feeling a connection, that’s when the true magic can appear.

Create your sacred space. Set up an altar with some of the things you hold dear to you. Go on a hike in nature – sit by a waterfall or bird watch.

Journal. This has been one of my go-to resources to sit with myself and my thoughts. There is power behind writing out what's on your mind.

Look up resources/books online. Hay House Foundation is where I started.

Watch a Video of Dr. Joe Dispenza talking about how to change your mind. I highly recommend it!

Join a meditation class/ yoga class/Tai Chi or fitness class. Here are some of my favorites:

Infinity, New Castle, PA

The Heart Center, Bainbridge, OH

ToLife! Fitness, Pittsburgh, PA

Compassionate Training Classes, via zoom at Drepung Gomang Center for Engaging Compassion, Louisville, KY

Find an online or in-person talk therapist. I have done many different modalities and can recommend the following:

EMDR at JP Counseling Center, Beaver, PA

NET Therapy Etty Reut 412-965-2896, Pittsburgh, PA

Receive body work. I find that past events lock us into a hardened state found in our connective tissues (which is why I believe in MFR/CST/Reiki, because these tools can be used to help the frozen past go). Learning self-healing modalities, such as Reiki, can be a powerful tool to hold space for yourself.

MFR Therapist, Dr. Etty Reut 412-965-2896, Pittsburgh, PA

Touch of Nature Healing, New Castle, PA and Pittsburgh, PA

Attend Reiki training.

TBA through Touch of Nature Healing, New Castle, PA

Jan Assini, 216-469-0846

The Heart Center, Banbridge, OH

Receive chiropractic work. I recommend Wilderness Chiropractic in Pittsburgh.

Get a mediumship reading. I find that some of my blockages were actually grief I was holding onto because of losing a loved one or a pet. Mediumship has helped me connect more to my inner world and it has supported me in my choices of direction.

Jan Assini, 216-469-0846

Visit the Lily Dale Assembly, in Western New York

Courtney Moffatt, animal communicator

Assess your diet and nutritional needs with a trained practitioner.

Enjoy a sound massage or sound bath.

Receive a frequency healing

The Healy, Touch of Nature Healing, New Castle, PA

AO Scan, Marla Turnbell

Attend a personal or group retreat. I had the pleasure of joining in a Reiki 1 and 2 training at Forest and Flowers in Portersville, PA and it was such a sacred space. This is a sanctuary for rest and a quiet space for being.

I wish you all the best as you spring clean your mind! If I can be of assistance in any way, please contact me!

With all the love in the world,

Briana L Pontius

Please note that the information provided on this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.



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